A comic strip about a print newspaper trying to stay afloat in the digital age.

This is a comic I developed in the hopes of getting syndicated. It’s a spin-off of Perk at Work. Where Perk works in the lobby, these folks work on the third floor.


Mr. Jackovich

Mr. Jackovich is the General Manager of The Daily Times. Not a newspaper man by nature (he managed a restaurant prior), but a respectable man regardless… sometimes to a fault.


Henna is the “temporary” receptionist and the face of The Daily Times – she’s taking a break from college while she figures out how to pay for it without taking out loans. She’s an idealist flower child who is still trying to figure out the world. What she lacks in ambition, she makes up for in gentle charm.


Cal is a freelance copywriter and all-around ladies man. He is athletic, charming, and handsome. With no set hours, he comes and goes as he pleases. He lives a charmed life and the ego that comes with it.


Moxy is the sole Advertising Representative for The Daily Times. She’s pretty – has been her whole life – and it helps in her role. Moxy works hard and plays hard. She likes the idea of working smarter and possibly playing smarter, but she hasn’t figured that out yet.


Wren is the “Technology Director” at The Daily Times, which basically means he does anything that involves computers, with the exception of Graphic Design. He’s intelligent and insightful and more people would know that if he weren’t so pedantic. Wren is a humorist and cartoonist who is smart enough to know he shouldn’t quit his day job because “such an act would not be advantageous considering both endeavors can be pursued in tandem.”


Sheryl works in the Accounting and Distribution office. After a life of penny-pinching and short-changing wherever possible, she’s squirreled up enough to retire in a few years… at least, that’s what she thought a few years ago. And while she hates work, what’s one more year of hell to pad that retirement account?


Eugene is the Graphic Designer for The Daily Times. He creates the advertisements and puts together the supplemental publications. An artist by nature, Eugene naturally gravitates toward those areas. He’s a bassist in a band called Junx and the dream of Eugene and his bandmates is to make playing music a full-time gig.


This Bites
Have to Work
Go Make
Social Life
Big Words
Computer Problems
Email Man
Wizards & Kings
No Talking
Weight Loss
Meaningful Conversation
Work Ethic
Rock On
Privacy Pod

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